A first-person sci-fi exploreACTION game about responsibility, time experiments and dealing with their consequences. Langoliers meet Serious Sam with science.
As a Game Designer I did the balancing, UI prototyping, part of the story writing and text localization. I tried to add some narrative elements and did the voice-over of the in-game lore materials with an automated speech tool Ivona Reader. I also took on community management and posted in our social groups.
The game drew inspiration from time-travel themed sci-fi classics of literature and films, like The Langoliers and Back to the Future, as well as modern movies like Rick and Morty series. Games mechanics were inspired by Hal-Life, Serious Sam, and story-driven walking simulators.
Unfortunately, this project is currently suspended (or more likely, just stuck frozen in time).
Jan 2017 - May 2017
Unity3D, Photoshop, IVONA Reader
My activities
Project documentation
In-engine gameplay building and tweaking
UI prototyping
Locations, story and tutorials writing
Balance (items, interactive objects)
Trailer Direction
In-game and Trailer voice over with IVONA Reader
Community management
Built an alpha core gameplay version
(1 level, ~30 min. of gameplay)
Got some indie press reviews
Showcased the game on several events
GameDevCityFest Novosibirsk 2017
Pop Corn Festivel Novosibirsk 2017
DevGamm Moscow 2017
You play as a talented, but irresponsible physicist. Due to a failure experiment you are stuck in frozen time, in your home lab at your family farmhouse.
You have just 3 hours until the surrounding space-time collapses and you, as well as the fractured world around you, will cease to exist.
Defend yourself and the lab equipment from hostile waves of Time Keepers.
Craft upgrades for your weapons and useful scientific stuff.
And finally - fix the Temporal Reactor to get the time running again and escape the endless death-and-rebirth cycle.
It’s about time!
Project groups
Game Trailer
Download demo
Indie Press and player reviews
Once you get to grips with it About Time is a great game though, that offers a nice mixture of old school FPS combat, exploration, crafting and weird time bending oddity. A unique FPS adventure well worth spending some (frozen) time with.
- Calum Fraser, Alpha Beta Gamer
Главные проблемы истории — одиночество в современном обществе при несоответствии его канонам и личный перфекционизм, отнимающий у человека право на ошибку, обесценивающий все полезное, что он сделал.
Developer interview for Mmoedge.ru